LVP1630 (20-75W MR16)
The LVP1630 is a mid-sized theatrical par ideal for highlighting artwork, exhibits, and retail displays. This unit accepts energy efficient MR16 lamps from 20 to 75-watts in a wide variety of beam spreads. These lamps emit a whiter, brighter light than standard incandescent lamps with longer lamp life and less heat output.
Designed with a user-friendly back, this unit can be easily opened for quick re-lamping. It can be adjusted by using the attached side handles and its accessory holder can accommodate louvers, barndoors and filters. Electronic transformer. Comes in standard black, white and chrome finishes. Custom colors are available by request and at an additional charge.
Product Features:
- 120, 220 and 277-volt available
- Integral 12-volt dimmable electronic transformer
- Accepts energy efficient MR16 lamps from 20 to 75-watts
- Accessory holder with safety catch
- Numerous mounting options