Times Square QF1000S Followspot
Projection distance from 25 ft. to 100 ft.
1000W Quartz Followspot with Light Intensifier
Our most popular followspot is the 3026, made especially for schools, churches, nightclubs and medium size auditoriums. The 3026 is ideal for applications requiring the manual control of a light beam to follow a performer combined with varying beam size and color changing. With the manual control knobs located at the rear of the fixture, the beam can be adjusted for hard or soft-edged focusing as well as from spot to flood. The beam may also be framed off at the top and bottom by using the integral framing shutters.
11 1/2″W x 16″H x 31 1/2″D, 90 lbs
Height with stand before extending: 53″
Product Features:
- Dual lens system
- Iris and shutter control
- Integral dual muffin fans
- Color boom with 6 colors and dowser
- Adjustable height caster stand
- On/Off Switch
- 25′ Cable with grounded house plug
- FEL 1000 watt quartz lamp included