Tiny FX
The TINY FX is the latest, modified successor of the Tiny F07. The design and some components have been changed: with the installation of a smaller and more efficient pump, dimensions and weight could be reduced again. The fluid reservoir can be screwed directly into the machine.
The Idea
For equipment for theatre, musicals, and movies, individual solutions for placing fog effects are often needed. Many great ideas have failed due to size, lack of flexibility, and price.
The Solution
The Tiny FX is called tiny, and its dimensions truly are tiny (L=9.8cm, W=4.4cm, H=3.4cm). In this small package, the technology of outstanding performance has been realized.
The Tiny FX is a fog generator that fills the gap, due to its small size and its programmability.
The Generator
With the small dimensions and the light weight of only 180 grams, this little gadget can be easily built into backdrops, puppets, costumes, and props. The generator is a programmable microprocessor that controls the fog emission. State-of-the-art technology opens a wide field of applications to the user. For some applications, it is useful to program in a fixed fog amount. This can be done directly at the machine. The programmed fog amount can easily be reproduced and/or changed.
A compact battery (L=10.5cm, W=4.4cm, H=4.1cm) supplies the Tiny FX with the 11.1 V supply. The small dimensions and the light weight of 200 grams ensures easy hiding or installation.
The modular design of the fog generator and battery pack ensures flexibility for individual uses.
Because of an intelligent control mechanism the battery supplies energy only when necessary.
The Tiny FX is triggered with a start button which is integrated into the lid of the machine. Also you can trigger the generator with the supplied cable remote. The remote will be connected to the machine by using a mini-stereo-jack cable. As an option, you can also control the machine with a radio remote or via DMX 512 with a DMX-converter.
Minimal Fluid Consumption
- The fluid reservoir for the generator will be supplied ready to use and filled with Tiny-Fluid. The reservoir will be simply screwed into the machine.
- The reservoirs can be refilled and therefore can be used several times.
- The Tiny-Fluid ensures a dense fog is produced with the lowest of fluid consumption (approx. 2.3 ml/min. at continuous output).